We’ve finally managed to isolate and patch the problem that prevented some players from playing the game. Namely, the issue that spawned the playroom without a table, puzzle tiles, and some other necessary items. We would like to thank heartily the few players, who were so kind in providing debug data and assisting us with tracking the origin of the problem (it turned out to be one of the third-party engine plugins we use). We wouldn’t have been able to address this so quickly without your help!
Since we cannot fix this directly, we were forced to do a temporary workaround so that everyone can play until we find a more permanent solution. For the time being the play table will not change its shape to fit the puzzle mat, so you will see a larger than usual black rubber surface under the mat itself. Also, we were forced to temporarily remove a couple of components from the inspection lens setup, which will make the lens look like it’s hanging in the air. Both of these workarounds are purely visual and will not prevent you from playing the game or use the inspection lens in any way. With all that being said, if you encounter any other issues that disrupt your gameplay, please contact us at your earliest convenience.
Along with the hotfix for the playroom, there are a couple of other improvements that made their way into this build:
- Framework: Improved the scene loading manager. It will now take care of loading all necessary assets, therefore eliminating the previously displayed and very redundant loading bar in the main menu. This change should also improve the loading times somewhat when entering the in-game scene
- Interface: Changed the way puzzle box DLCs are downloaded from inside the game. When starting a new game it will notify you that the required content is missing and has to be downloaded via a new button in the puzzle box preview. Finish downloading the content will not start the game automatically anymore; instead, it will only unlock the Start Game button
- Visuals: Improvements to the in-game lighting options and overall lights configuration
Full release notes will be made available here.
Thank you very much for your patience and support.