New Features
- Added support for Post-Processing effects to the game
- Added anti-aliasingĀ and ambient occlusion post-processing effects with more to come in later releases
- Added framework and GUI support for paid puzzle boxes
General Changes
- Migrating to Unity 2018.3 comes with a huge number of engine improvements. Make sure to check the official Unity site for more information
- Changed the Physics engine settings in order to improve performance especially with a higher number of puzzle tiles. Note that this is still a very much work in progress and we will do further improvements in future releases
- Improved quite a lot the carousel widget in the game selection GUI. This is now used by both collections and their puzzle boxes as well as by the saved games selection
Component Upgrades
- Upgraded to Unity Engine 2018.3.0b4
- Upgraded to Archimatix 1.1.8
- Upgraded to FontAwesome 5.3.1
- Upgraded to PlayFab SDK 2.53.181001
Other Changes & Additions
- Changed the way puzzle collections and boxes are defined in the game
- Various small adjustments to the New Game, Load Game, and Options menus
- Implemented functionality for dragging and resizing GUI panels. This is currently used by the image preview panels during the creation of a new game
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in the game help GUI which prevented proper pagination in subsequent openings of the panel
- Various other minor and cosmetic fixes
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