
New Features

  • Added an in-game lighting switch to the GUI for adjusting the main light intensity in the playroom
  • Added in-game help menu
  • Added full puzzle image preview in puzzle selection GUI
  • Added in-game bug reporting system
  • Added functionality to delete saved games which you don’t want to keep anymore

New Content

  • Created a new, detailed playroom which we named the Six-Views Cabinet. This will be the default playroom for all players until we implement the functionality for custom playroom selection
  • Created a new circular play table to match the new default playroom

General Changes

  • Overhauled the authentication and registration GUI and underlying logic. This includes authentication using active Steam session and linking of Steam accounts to Belleal Games player accounts
  • All puzzle boxes will now be separated from the main game as additional packages in order to shrink the general installation size and allow the player to choose what to download additionally. For Steam version of the game, these puzzle boxes will correspond to separate DLCs
  • The game configuration will now be updated automatically from the game servers if possible (i.e. there is active Internet connection). If this is not possible, the game will be restricted with the configurations included with the initial installation
  • The general limit for puzzle tileset selection for all puzzle boxes is now set to 1000 tiles. To unlock a greater number of puzzle tiles the player would have to complete specific achievements and/or acquire them via the game store (the in-game store will be available in a later release)
  • Adjusted the game graphics setting to better match the new environment of the game. This might impact performance in low-end PCs a bit
  • Implemented player movement restriction on the horizontal axis in a radius inside the new playroom. You won’t be able to leave the room anymore, bro
  • The GUI showing the puzzle view categories and boxes selection will now show locked items with their intended availability date (if any). The categories will also show the number of owned puzzle boxes by the player. The puzzle boxes selection will also show which of them are free content

Component Upgrades

  • Integrated with Steamworks.NET compatible with Steam SDK 1.42
  • Upgraded to Photon SDK 1.90
  • Upgraded to PlayFab SDK 2.39.180409
  • Upgraded to Archimatix 1.1.3
  • Upgraded to TextMesh Pro 1.2.2
  • Upgraded to Unity Engine 2017.4.2f2

Other Changes & Additions

  • Implemented proper puzzle tile linking regardless of their current orientation as long as both tiles match in orientation and face their correct sides
  • Improved physics configuration for linked puzzle tiles. They should look more strongly attached to each other now. This should also eliminate any unintended velocity boost after tiles are successfully linked together
  • Improved the general physics setting for the game in an attempt to provide more realistic material behavior
  • Improved the modal dialog system with new features and better behavior (including a progress bar dialog)
  • Added customizable (by developers) loading trivia texts for the loading screen
  • Added settings to support Open GL3 and Metal to all game shaders
  • Implemented functionality to lock and unlock player controls. Modal masks in GUI will now always lock player controls while active
  • Implemented automatic authentication at game start-up. This will only succeed if there is an active Internet connection available
  • The puzzle tileset dropdown on puzzle box selection GUI is now localized
  • Improved the general layout and functionality of the puzzle box selection GUI for starting a new game
  • Saved games are now listed in order by how recently they were played
  • Loading screen texts are now localized
  • Implemented game integrity check at start-up
  • Added game client icon
  • Created new open and close animations for the puzzle box container. The box lid will now slide under the box itself in order to free maximum space and not hinder the player
  • Added game splash screens at start-up

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug preventing the player from picking up puzzle tiles with disabled trigger collider
  • Fixed a bug where puzzle tiles positioned along the vertical and horizontal 0 axes will not be able to match and link even if correctly positioned
  • Fixed a bug where puzzle tiles could get stuck at rotation at certain angles
  • Fixed a bug where puzzle preview images were not displayed in the load game GUI
  • Fixed a bug where starting a new game right after failing to load an existing one (i.e. old save version or corrupt file) would mix data from the old game into the new game
  • Fixed a bug where the selected puzzle category won’t show its title in the GUI

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