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General Information

Do you love jigsaw puzzles and 3D simulations? So do we. Regrettably, we are not enjoying as many physical puzzles as we would like to. The reasons are usually simple but hard to circumvent: not enough personal time to spend on hours-long sessions, not enough space at home to keep a half-finished puzzle around for days, no friends around to help you build when you want to. 3D simulations, on the other hand, have become more and more intricate in replicating reality. They allow us to enter a virtual world to seek the same entertainment as we used to do in the physical world before.

That’s why we want to give you the ultimate jigsaw puzzle experience with our game Masters of Puzzle. It’s a full 3D, physics enabled, beautiful simulation that you can enjoy whenever you want with whomever you want. Enjoy dozens of UHD puzzles in different styles and earn hundreds of achievements to show your mastery of puzzle building. Store your progress on any puzzle and resume at your convenience. Keep track of your and your friends’ accomplishments, participate in regular and special events, enter into contests, and do so much more. Our incredible game aims to give you as much flexibility and entertainment as possible.

Masters of Puzzle is not a typical casual game, though. To experience the full 3D simulation of puzzle building in all its great aspects, you will need to invest time, master all the controls, and discover all the possible ways to manipulate your game environment. Once you accumulate sufficient skill and understanding of the puzzle assembly process, we guarantee you many hours of satisfactory gameplay.[/nk_text][nk_text]

Puzzle Gallery

You can find the currently available puzzles in our gallery here.[/nk_text][nk_text]


Let’s delve deeper into the main features of Masters of Puzzle and see what makes it a special and different game.[/nk_text][nk_text]



Let us introduce you to the pleasure of building realistic jigsaw puzzles in a fully simulated, beautiful environment with active physics. Interact with surfaces, items, and the puzzle tiles themselves as if you’re standing in front of your real-world puzzle table. Use the same approach and habits you’ve always used before – but in a purely virtual scene instead. Create new strategies and explore all the various tools and gameplay preferences we offer – like sorting tiles in containers, gathering them in your virtual hand, or just scattering them around in pure pleasure.



All of our puzzles are generated procedurally based on a huge number of settings – some of these are even adjustable by yourself in the game options. Each puzzle box can be sliced and distributed into one of the available box sizes at the start of each individual game. Furthermore, the form and disposition of the puzzle tiles can be completely changed when you create a new game even if you still use the same image and box size. Replay your favorite puzzles again and again with a fresh challenge every single time.



Speaking of challenge, our current puzzle box sizes include sets for beginners – 250500750, and 1000; sets for experienced players – 1500 and 2000; and sets for hardcore players – 25003000, and 4000 tiles. The later 3 are extremely difficult to assemble and might take you many hours to complete. Our game aims to provide suitable configuration for every occasion or skill level – both for beginners and hardcore veterans alike.



There are literally hundreds of achievements to earn while playing with more being added with every new puzzle box and game event. Game events are limited-time campaigns that take place during major holidays or other special occasions. While a game event lasts, a new selection of puzzle boxes will gradually be made available and a new set of limited achievements will be unlocked for the players. These limited achievements – or challenges, as we call them – can be earned only under special circumstances and usually only inside the limited timeframe of an event.



The base game comes with a good selection of free puzzles for you to enjoy. At some point though, you might want to try out new or different images. We plan to provide you on a regular basis with new collections of beautiful puzzles in various styles and painted by different artists. This new content in the form of DLC will adhere to the same replayability rules as the base content.



These are just the main features available in Masters of Puzzle, but there are also many others that you will find once you start playing. Additionally, we have plans to expand the game with regular updates and new features as we move forward. We maintain a public roadmap that can be accessed online and we include many of the community suggested features to it. See more in our community hub.

Note: All online services will require an active Internet connection as well as an active player profile created in our systems. However, you can still play the game without access to the Internet.[/nk_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][nk_text]

Current State

Released on Steam

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