Hi everyone, in today’s post we will be focusing on the game controls overhaul for our game Masters of Puzzle. We realize that puzzle games should be convenient and easy to play both by hard-core and casual players alike. Therefore, we aim to provide the best way of controlling the game environment while both sitting at a gaming desk or lounging on the couch with your laptop. It’s a tricky task since these are ultimately different experiences and the game is complex enough to involve multiple controls and inputs. We think, however, that with the upcoming release we’ve taken a huge step in the right direction.

Stepping on the already existing feature for defining player control schemas, we’ve extended the game framework to accommodate for these two different playstyles. You should now be able to play effectively both by using a combination of keyboard and mouse, or only a mouse – unless, of course, you need to type a text in certain rare cases. The default controls, which will also be covered in the in-game help system, are explained below.

Moving Around the Game Board

As a player, you can move around parallel to the game board to reach all of its areas or to view certain items. To do that use the W, A, S, and D keys or their corresponding Arrow keys. Alternatively, you can move with the mouse by holding the Middle Mouse Button and dragging it in the desired direction. You can also speed up by holding the Shift key or slow down by holding the Ctrl key while moving.

The movements will be restricted to the game board area, so keep that in mind when moving close to the edges.

Moving Vertically

Appart from the horizontal movement, you can also climb up and down in relation to the game board.  To do that use the Q and E keys. There is no direct alternative to this by using the mouse only, but you can achieve a similar effect by using a combination of looking around and moving along the view-axis controls.

Moving Along the View-axis

By using the Mouse Wheel, you can move forward or backward in the direction you’re currently looking at. This control has no keyboard shortcuts and is intended to be used in combination with other movement controls.

Looking Around the Room

You are not limited to only move around. You can also look around the game environment with the mouse by holding the Right Mouse Button and dragging it in the desired direction. This control has no keyboard shortcuts and is intended to be used in combination with other movement controls.

The looking-angle is currently restricted in the arc between 0 and 90 degrees, where 0 points straight down towards the game board.

Manipulating Puzzle Tiles

The puzzle tile manipulation is a rather complex topic as it is at the hearth of the game. Therefore, we have several different controls related to that.

Taking and Moving Puzzle Tiles

To pick a tile up you need to click the Left Mouse Button while the mouse cursor is positioned over it. No need to hold the button once the tile is picked – it will follow your mouse movements around the game board until you drop it. In that regard, to put down a tile, click the Left Mouse Button again. The tile will be dropped at the location your mouse cursor is currently pointing at.

Opening the Puzzle Tile Context Menu

To open the context menu while holding a tile, you need to hold the Left Mouse Button for a second or more. Once the menu opens next to the tile, you need to continue to hold the Left Mouse Button and move the mouse cursor over the desired menu action before releasing it in order to activate that action.

Rotating Puzzle Tiles

To rotate a puzzle tile clockwise and counterclockwise while holding it, use the Z (counterclockwise) and X (clockwise) keys. Alternatively, you can also do that only with the mouse by using the tile context menu.

Keep in mind, that the tile will maintain its horizontal orientation to be parallel to the game board once picked up (i.e. face up). However, it will not provide any hints towards its correct orientation in the puzzle image to maintain the challenge – this part you’ll have to figure out by yourself.

Inspecting Puzzle Tiles

To inspect a puzzle tile while holding it, use the F key. This will move the tile close to the screen viewport and turn the image towards you. The tile will keep its current orientation and rotation. To return the tile back to its original location above the game board press the F key again. Alternatively, you can also do that only with the mouse by using the tile context menu.

You can also rotate the tile while it’s being inspected. Also, if you press the Left Mouse Button while you inspect a tile, it will be released and returned to its last location on the game board.

Manipulating the Puzzle Model

At any time during gameplay, you can call the puzzle model for a close inspection. To do that use the G key. The puzzle model box will be scaled to fit your current screen viewport. It will also be oriented with the puzzle image towards you. To return the puzzle model back to its original place press the G key again. Currently, there is no alternative to do that with the mouse only, but we will be adding something in a later release.

Moving the Inspection Lens

If your puzzle model has an inspection lens attached, you can move it around over the puzzle image by clicking the Left Mouse Button while the mouse cursor is over the lens head. Then you need to hold it and drag the mouse in the desired direction. To leave the lens at its current location just release the Left Mouse Button.

So, that’s it for our new and improved game controls. We hope to hear your feedback about it so we can continue to improve it in the future.

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