Hi everyone, a new version of the game is available now on Steam. It’s a relatively small update with a couple of new features that we hope you’ll enjoy. We’ve also upgraded to the latest version of the game engine as well as all used libraries and tools.

As usual, you can find the full release notes on our website here.

You may have noticed that for some time now you have a player score that can be seen in the small profile window in the Main Menu. While that score is planned for some exciting new features in the future, we’ve also decided to enable the first leaderboard in the game. Welcome to the Puzzle Masters list where your position is based on your player score.

To be fully transparent, this is now you can accumulate score points with the current game version:

For now, most points can be collected by earning achievements of any type. We currently have over 300, so it’s a ripe field to harvest. You can also earn additional points if you rate any completed puzzle box in a given tileset using our Puzzle Rating System. In the future, you will have yet more ways to earn score points, one of which will be the Dynamic Tasks System (more on that in a future update).

Like any other advanced feature in Masters of Puzzle, this will require you to authenticate against our game servers before you could use it.

So, now that you know how it works, let the competition begin!

There was a request earlier from a player to provide an option to hide the in-game timer. We can certainly understand how the timer might prove to be stressful for some players, that prefer to enjoy the game at a slow pace. Therefore you now have a new option in the General Game options to toggle the timer. In addition, you can use the shortcut combination Ctrl + T to toggle the timer at any time during play.

In the past few months, we’ve released a good quantity of new puzzle boxes. While most were related to our 2 regular events, there were a few others too. We are excited to share with you that we have 15 puzzle boxes baking in the oven for you and we’re constantly working to expand our network of collaborating artists. The new content will feature both illustrations and photographs, and of course, some of them will be free for all owners of Masters of Puzzle.

Stay tuned for more announcements on this soon.

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